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Vulgar Nature No.1
Phil Clark
Mother nature needs to be more modest. Think of the children!
This series was created for a prompt on "censorship." I have always found it ridiculous how American society is terrified of children seeing healthy human bodies, but has little care if the kids see those same human bodies violently murdered and dismembered

Love House (WIB #03)
Art Block
I walkabout with my camera in tow, typically off the beaten path, and frequently during the early hours of the day. My eye is attracted to the often overlooked and neglected, the scenes that many people look right through or just avoid looking at alltogether. When the light and the scene combine to express a story I connect with, I capture it, and quickly move on. Many of my subjects may be considered unkempt, littered, or vandalized, but there is a beauty and poetry to these scenes that is fascinating to me. *This NFT is physically-backed.

Gumdrop Palace (Dreams #7)
Art Block
The smell of sugar was overwhelming and the colors were so bright they burned my eyes to look at them for too long, yet still, I approached the Gumdrop Palace with an appetite for exploration. As I came closer to the sweet structure it became less opaque, the closer I got the more transparent it became, as I finally approached the Palace walls and reached out to touch them, they vanished. Was this just an appetite-fueled mirage?

Be(e) in Paradise (Bee Venom #3)
Art Block
The black hole sun transported me to the final stage of the journey, a bee paradise! A feeling of bliss and euphoria overcame me as my eyes focused on the new reality (our new reality, the bee and me), but just as quickly as the feeling came over me I was awakened from my slumber, with bee stings throbbing and demanding attention, a not so subtle reminder of the atrocities I committed against their gentle hive and the soldiers sent to their doom to protect it.

Sun Dappled (WIB #11)
Art Block
I walkabout with my camera in tow, typically off the beaten path, and frequently during the early hours of the day. My eye is attracted to the often overlooked and neglected, the scenes that many people look right through or just avoid looking at altogether. When the light and the scene combine to express a story I connect with, I capture it, and quickly move on. Many of my subjects may be considered unkempt, littered, or vandalized, but there is a beauty and poetry to these scenes that is fascinating to me. DETAILS: Physically-backed NFT of 1/1 handmade cyanotype print on Stonehenge Aqua, 140 lb hot-press, 9x12" sheet size, ~6x9" printed area.